Blessing the Hands that Feed Us
I am so excited to be hosting our very first book discussion! And why wouldn’t I be? Books and food…how can it get better than that!?! Lied Randolph Public Library is collaborating with us in this endeavor and will have several books available to check out. Books and supply purchases were made possible through a … Read more
Could you be a locavore?
Years ago, I read a book that changed the way I looked at food. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver introduced me to the term “locavore”. Locavore, as listed on is a person who makes an effort to eat food that is grown, raised, or produced locally, usually within 100 miles of home. Animal, … Read more
Replacing the ol’ biffy…
We have lots of new things going on here at the farm, so out with the old, and in with the new! Since the time we got married and moved to the farm (over 30 years ago!) we’ve had access to an outhouse. …and, well, we’ve always had indoor plumbing too, but that’s beside the … Read more
“The plants and the earth are resting…”
I did something very unusual today…a little bit of NOTHING! 🙂 After finishing up my morning chores, I took off for what turned out to be a very pointless trip to Norfolk (but that is a whole other story). All was not lost though, I use my travel time to listen to audiobooks. I … Read more
Taking chances…homemade chili seasoning!
A while back we were inundated with lots and lots and LOTS of hot peppers. What is a person to do with all those peppers!?! I dehydrated them in our Nesco Snackmaster Pro-WITH the seeds, because, you know, why waste the heat. Trust me, the heat is in the seeds, and when you include the … Read more