SEEDLINGS will learn about life on Pfanny’s Farm. We will learn about real food by raising it AND eating it! We will have our own small garden to plant, tend to, and harvest. We will visit the “Cackleberry Castle” to gather eggs and bring treats to the chickens. We will learn about teamwork and cooperation. We will enjoy craft projects. We will brainstorm renovations for the “Hoot Owl Hideout”. We will learn about different members of the animal kingdom. We will learn new outdoor skills. There may even be a building project! But most of all, we will learn to appreciate and take care of each other and our precious Earth <3
2023 SEEDLINGS will be held on the following dates from 9am-12:00pm:
April 15 & 29
May 13 & 27
June 3, 12, & 26
July 10 & 24
August 7th will be considered a make-up date in case we need to miss one of the others.
Class size is limited and we need to have at least 5 registered in order to proceed.
These classes will be held rain or shine (lightning & storms will be a different story).
Age range 8 (by June 15th)-11 years old
These will be drop off classes.
We will request one parent or “favorite adult” per each registrant to be the volunteer helper for one session.
Each SEEDLING will need to bring (or wear) the following to each session:
Backpack with extra clothes, sunscreen, hat, 1 pair of gardening gloves, close-toed shoes (no sandals or flip-flops please). Longer hair must be in a ponytail or at least be fastened up out of the eyes.
Wear old clothes so we don’t have to worry about getting dirty.
A non-refundable booking fee of $50 will hold your child’s place and will be applied to the total fee of $150. The remaining $100 is due on or before April 15th. We accept cash, checks, or Venmo 🙂